"Pulang Bato" Falls of Negros Oriental, Philippines

6:25:00 PM Pinoy Boy Journals 23 Comments

ALL-TIME FAVORITE POST FROM 2011 RE-BLOGGED: I couldn't get enough of Valencia. The town is really blessed with so many natural wonders that i have yet to see all of them for myself. Early in the morning, i called up my guide and off we go 20 minutes from Dumaguete City, back to my personal favorite town, Valencia. I've read about "Pulang Bato" and it's indifference to the other waterfalls found in the region. So i thought, i have to check out this place to find out.

It was nearing the eve of New Year when i went there, and so many families of big groups have taken over the little huts for rent. I didn't mind as i had a fabulous lunch by the bay in Siaton earlier. All i needed was a cool and refreshing swim. It was a beautiful ride going to Red Rocks "Pulang Bato", passing by quaint barangays, forested areas, hilly terrains, PNOC Geothermal Generating Plant, and of course the mighty molten hot rocks. 

When i got there, i was amazed how beautiful the falls is in person. Breathtaking is not even enough to describe the falls. I have to say it looks surreal, almost unbelievably real. The shaded colors of the rocks are reflected the water. It's unlike anything you will ever see. Trust me. It was astounding to see that this same image from the guide book that i saw was nothing when you get to "Pulang Bato" yourself. I just sat there admiring. Wow!!! Everything was perfect, until i was rudely interrupted by...
Public Display of Affection
I have a story to tell. I am not against foreigners visiting the province. Apparently, they're just too many of them in Negros. I am a lover of romance, and whether it's between two foreigners or one with a local, it's alright with me. I arrived at Red Rocks waterfalls with much innocence. There were little kids happily playing, and families of big groups enjoying their lunch. In short, it's such a wholesome place, to begin with. 

I saw two beautiful local girls with two Caucasian men. As i head to another direction to get away from everyone, i had a better view of them two couples. A few minutes later, the scene just made my jaw drop. They were making out. Okay, fine. They were making out in front of everyone. Okay fine, maybe they will stop. But they continued on with their activity even though they knew they've been looked at.

I stared at them to give them an impression that that they needed to stop what they're doing. Then, the crowd got curious. Armed with their cellular phones and their 3 megapixel cameras, they started taking photos and videos of them.

What the hell is this? It became a circus, just like that.

I don't condemn the act because if it's made up of love, so be it. But the country is relatively conservative, and acts as such may cause a stir to local men and women. I am seriously alarmed.

I have a lot of foreigner friends, and as they come over i often tell them that the Philippines is a conservative country. Amidst modernization and globalization, the people here are still equipped with values of decency and morality. I always tell them that it's just the way it is in the country. All I'm saying is, the issue is not even whether it is right or wrong to do such acts in public areas, it's the fact that RESPECT should be shown greatly to a country you're visiting, wherever it may be.

I left their sight and focused more on the beauty of this awesome wonder. It was refreshingly cold, and the color is unbelievably red. Simply put, "Pulang Bato" is Gorgeous!

After swimming for a bit and enjoying the cool mist of water from the falls as it cascades down the natural cold tub, i managed to hitch a ride going back to the city. I knew already that i wanted to stop-over at the molten hot rock formations we've passed by earlier. Alex (guide) and I wondered for a bit at this stop.

It was an interesting stop for me. I haven't been this close to any volcanic action. And there were many onlookers, too. If you're heading Dumaguete City, make a plan to visit Valencia for the Red Rocks Waterfalls.

In the span of one hundred eighty minutes, i was able to travel to the coldest and hottest spot of Valencia town. Only in Negros Oriental, folks!


hala sino mga yun, na-distract tuloy ang quite moments mo, (in fairness ang ganda nung umuusok na rocky out crop pati na rin yung red rocks, very interesting :)

Eun said...

hi! :) are there also hot springs in valencia?

@lakwatsera de primera thanks so much! kakaiba talaga ang Pulang Bato, it's not as commercialized as Casaroro. Red Rocks - cascading yung water kaya parang layered. Yes, ako naman walang issue. Ako pa? he he Pero dami kasi maliliit na kids, siyempre yung mga ganung scenes tumatatak yun sa bata. i am just worried about them. pero dun sa mga exhibitionists, bahala sila sa buhay nila!

@yhun hello there! Yes, there's tons actually near Pulang Bato! I didn't blog about them because i wasn't able to swim in one. I preferred a cold dip that day. But yes, on your way to Pulang Bato are numerous hot springs. Be sure to head out to Valencia when you're in Dumaguete! The town is superb with natural wonders!

Eun said...

wow! great! i think valencia would be the closest place i could see/experience hot springs. i've heard about a hot spring near bacolod though. anyway, thanks pinoy boy journals! best of luck on your future travels! :)

@yhun no problem. it was a pleasure! yes, those near Pulang Bato are good places! Hope you have a grand time. let me know if you still have questions, would love to answer to help out.

interesting molten rocks. is that located along the highway?

yes it is, Earl! I'm still trying to research about more about it. I am very interested what's in there to see. Thanks Earl for visiting! Hope you can read my other stories! Checked out your blog, too!


Yikes. More than kissing ba? Sobra naman. Baka masyadong nadala sa ganda ng lugar pero teka, tama ka, "get a room" dapat sila.

Umuusok talaga yung mga bato? Wow! Dahil you posted this, I'm sure, madami lalong bibisita dito. Parang gusto kong marating ito kaagad.

Ingat sa mga solo trips. Maigi yan. Yan ang gusto kong gawin in this lifetime pero parang di ko magagawa, paranoid ako kapag nag-iisa. May slight pumapanic attack. (Yikes, too much info about me). :)

@Rizalenio Yes, actually to be blunt about it yung scene na nakita ko parang first 10 minutes ng isang porn film. ganun katindi.

yes, umuusok talaga. gusto ko nga pag-aralan ang science behind this place. kaso wala ako maresearch sa net. Masarap din magtravel mag-isa. But i have to be honest in saying, minsan malungkot. Just because, there are some places na dapat spent with your loved one. I think Singapore is one of them. he he

i think once na masimulan mo, mag-eenjoy ka talaga. as a solo traveler, ang dami kong natutunan na nagpamature talaga sakin.

Sidney said...

Looks like you were very much disturbed by what happened in this peaceful place.
Too bad.
Looks like nice waterfalls.

@Sidney Yes Sidney, the place is so peaceful. I am not conservative but the kids were glued to what they're doing. i felt weird for everyone! If you happen to travel around Dumaguete, be sure to put 'Pulang Bato' in your list of places to see. Thanks, Sidney!

chino said...

dapat pala mapuntahan ko din to

@chinchan yes it's really one of a kind. i haven't seen a waterfall like this. it's really beautiful there. hope you can come back to Dumaguete, Negros Oriental and check out Valencia!

Anonymous said...
Akiko said...

Cool! I super duper like it. Thanks for sharing:)

@Akiko never knew red colored waterfalls existed. And to think it's in only in the country. so much to see out there... i have to start now if i want to see them all.

renevic said...

maganda maganda =)

So glad to have found your blog. This is awesome. Frankly, Dumaguete is not in my top list of places to visit. Now it's up there! would love to bring my family here.

@renevic you have to go there! it's worth it!

@lifeisacelebration You and your family have to visit Dumaguete. It's one of the most relaxed and safest cities in the country. i love its laidback vibe, cheap food and old world charm. let me know about your trip, and if i can help you out with your itinerary. Thanks!

Ina Partosa said...

I just want to say thank you for writing about my hometown,Negros Oriental. I think it is one of the under appreciated places in the Philippines. Your posts made me homesick. :|

@CHOCOHOLICCYNIC i love Negros. I thought i would be bored but with so much to see and so many friendly people, i am forever wed to this province. Lucky you call Negros your hometown.